
“Giant Panda keeper Program” is one of long-term public education programs conducted by Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Foundation at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. This program is aimed at letting the participant understand the giant panda’s daily life, dietary habits and experience the difficulties and hardships of being a giant panda keeper.

Through experiencing the daily work of a giant panda keeperl, participants will understand hands-on the scientific knowledge of giant panda nursing, thus will be more proactive to participate in the team of giant panda and rare and endangered wildlife conservation, and share their practical solutions for wildlife conservation with other people.


For the people who make contributions to the giant panda protection cause
Method 1: donation and adoption
Method 2: donation up to a certain amount
Method 3: participate in voluntary works of the foundation for over 200 hours.


The training activity of each day starts at 09:30 until 11:30 and from 14:00 until 16:00. It will be conducted at the Sunshine Nursery House “giant panda nursing personnel training activity” station in Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.
Reservation Hotline:86-18010600515   86-18010600525


Step 1 Registration
At the site of the activity, the staff member will first register your personal information, then you will receive a “giant panda nursing personnel training permit”, which is an important proof for your training activity, which you will need to keep safe.

Step 2 Interpretation
The professional working staff will guide you to the activity interpretation station and communicate with you regarding knowledge and information about giant pandas so that you can obtain some preliminary understanding on giant panda feeding.

Step 3 Experience the Work
Next, you will carry out the following nursing personnel experiencing activities under the guidance of and accompaniment of professional nursing staff:
1、Rinse the bamboo for giant pandas while the giant panda nursing staff will discuss with you the classification and source of giant panda’s staple food.
2、Led by giant panda nursing staff, enter the giant panda enclosure to experience the living environment of giant panda.
3、Clean the playfield for giant panda so that they can have a comfortable recreational area.
4、Complete other nursing personnel’s jobs under the guidance of giant panda nursing staff.
(Friendly reminder: it would be a rewarding experience if you can complete at least one of the aforementioned activity items.)

Step 4 Activity Awards
You will be awarded the certificate of honor of “Giant panda Nursing Personnel Training Activity” granted by the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Foundation and obtain a set of working photo-souvenirs and a nice giant panda souvenir for the completion of your “giant panda nursing personnel training activity”.


  • 保育员体验之夏令营
  • 頒發愛心證書
  • 體驗保育員工作
  • 講解熊貓知識
  • 保育員體驗之財富論壇貴賓
  • 保育員體驗之後街男孩

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